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Por Dr. Max von Ort
24 de mayo de 2014
Es la Madre de tu madre. Es la Madre de todas las madres. ¿No es esto ya suficiente razón para cuidar y velar por Ella?
Uno de los grandes hijos de Ella corre peligro en Jaca (Huesca, España).
Es un bellísimo árbol de Chopo (Populus nigra) (Fig. 1) cuyo único pecado es ser grande y hermoso y estar al lado del Camino Corona de los Cuervos y en el paso de un proyecto urbanístico que compremeterá la futura sostenibilidad de Jaca, de acuerdo a los criterios de expertos alemanes en ecología urbana.
Colabora con nuestra lucha por salvar a Don Chopo y sus hermanos en Jaca
Colabora con nuestra lucha por salvar a Don Chopo y sus hermanos en Jaca
¡Unete a nuestra lucha para salvar a Don Chopo (Video 1) y sus hermanos en Jaca.
Para ver el reportaje de Don Chopo en las noticias de la TV local (Aragón en Abierto, 19 de mayo de 2014; Video 1), pinchar AQUI y luego colocarlo exactamente en 1 hora y 11 minutos (1:11).
Don Chopo en Facebook
Para ver el reportaje de Don Chopo en las noticias de la TV local (Aragón en Abierto, 19 de mayo de 2014; Video 1), pinchar AQUI y luego colocarlo exactamente en 1 hora y 11 minutos (1:11).
Don Chopo en Facebook
Visita nuestra página en Facebook sobre Don Chopo (Don Chopo, salvemos al último árbol gigante de Jaca) y apoya nuestra lucha enviando un e-mail al alcalde de Jaca, siguiendo las instrucciones del sitio.
Facebook link: https://www.facebook.com/#!/groups/593839214047064/
O visita uno de nuestros posts sobre Don Chopo para el mismo efecto: pinchar AQUI.
She is your Mother. She is the Mother of all of the mothers. ¿Is this not enough reason to respect and take good care of Her?
One of Her giant children is in danger of being destroyed in Jaca (Huesca, Jaca).
It is a beautiful Black Poplar tree (Populus nigra) (Fig. 1, above) whose only sin is to be handsome and giant and to be along a dirt road (Ravens´ Crown Way) and located in the way of an urbanistic development which will put at risk the future sustainability of Jaca, according to some German experts in urban ecology.
Help our fight to save Mr, Poplar and his brethren in Jaca
Join our fight to save Mr. Poplar (Video 1) and his brethren in Jaca.
To view Mr. Poplar on the local TV news (Aragón en Abierto, May 19th 2014; Video 1), click HERE and then slide the timing knob and put it exactly on 1 hour and 11 minutes (1:11).
Mr. Poplar on Facebook
Visit our Facebook page on Mr. Poplar (Don Chopo, salvemos al último árbol gigante de Jaca) and help our fight by sending un e-mail to the city mayor of Jaca, following instructions herein.
Facebook link: https://www.facebook.com/#!/groups/593839214047064/
Or visit any of our posts on Mr. Poplar on our blogs: Click HERE.
Facebook link: https://www.facebook.com/#!/groups/593839214047064/
O visita uno de nuestros posts sobre Don Chopo para el mismo efecto: pinchar AQUI.
She is your Mother. She is the Mother of all of the mothers. ¿Is this not enough reason to respect and take good care of Her?
One of Her giant children is in danger of being destroyed in Jaca (Huesca, Jaca).
It is a beautiful Black Poplar tree (Populus nigra) (Fig. 1, above) whose only sin is to be handsome and giant and to be along a dirt road (Ravens´ Crown Way) and located in the way of an urbanistic development which will put at risk the future sustainability of Jaca, according to some German experts in urban ecology.
Help our fight to save Mr, Poplar and his brethren in Jaca
Join our fight to save Mr. Poplar (Video 1) and his brethren in Jaca.
To view Mr. Poplar on the local TV news (Aragón en Abierto, May 19th 2014; Video 1), click HERE and then slide the timing knob and put it exactly on 1 hour and 11 minutes (1:11).
Mr. Poplar on Facebook
Visit our Facebook page on Mr. Poplar (Don Chopo, salvemos al último árbol gigante de Jaca) and help our fight by sending un e-mail to the city mayor of Jaca, following instructions herein.
Facebook link: https://www.facebook.com/#!/groups/593839214047064/
Or visit any of our posts on Mr. Poplar on our blogs: Click HERE.
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